Ackee Quiche: Brunch Ready Recipe

Quiches are a brunch favourite! Once you’ve nailed down your crust recipe; it’s a matter of deciding on what you want your fillings to be as the custard is a simple ratio of half a cup of dairy (cream, milk, half and half or even sour cream) for each egg you use.

To make this ackee quiche or as I like to say Keeche, I replaced a bit of the milk with ackees. Want even more ackee? Add it as a filling too! Here I’ve used ricotta cheese and a mix of dark greens (kale, chard, spinach, collards, frisee & mizuna); but you can use whatever you like.

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Baked French Toast with Ackee & Brown Sugar

Baked French toast is the perfect weekend breakfast. With all the prep done the night before, wake up at your leisure and pop it in the oven. Ready in less than an hour and best of all you don’t have to stand over the stove.
This baked French toast with ackee and brown sugar is paired with pimento liqueur spiked maple syrup. Did somebody say grown and sexy boozy breakfast?

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Easy Ackee Muffins

Ready for the most tender muffins you’ve ever tried?

Ackees make these muffins extremely moist and the addition of pastry flour lightens up the mix . The base recipe is easy to prepare and you can include your own favourite add-ins; here I’ve done two variations: the first white chocolate and coconut and the second feature a dollop of ackee cream cheese filling. Continue reading “Easy Ackee Muffins”

Ackee Easter Buns

Pillow soft, just the right amount of spice and sweet. These ackee easter buns are a must try. The ackee flavour isn’t very noticeable but it is the ackees and that help to make the buns so incredibly moist!

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Vegan Chickpea Salad

Try this unique spin on chickpea salad for your next vegan breakfast or lunch sandwich/wrap. Want to make it gluten free? Roast two hearty portobello mushroom caps to replace the bread.

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