A vegan mousse without chocolate or avocados? Why yes! This lightly sweetened ackee mousse is chilled set with the use of Irish moss.

What is Irish moss?
Commonly called Irish moss or sea moss, the scientific name is Chondrus crispus. It’s a seaweed also called Carrageen and Mousse d’Irlande that was used for cooking in Ireland during the time of famine.
Irish moss and Jamaica
Irish moss is also found growing on rocks in Jamaica. When Irish immigrants came to Jamaica, they brought with them the tradition of consuming Irish moss. Now a part of our food culture, it’s widely available in Jamaica.
What does Irish moss taste like?
I couldn’t say that it has a prominent flavour. But rather, it’s mild in taste with a slight brininess.
How is Irish moss prepared?
Growing up I had Irish moss only one way. I guess it would technically be Irish moss “punch” but I only ever referred to it as Irish moss. The prepared moss was blended with evaporated and condensed milks; then nutmeg and cinnamon added for flavour. Also, I knew that some “strong back” recipes included Irish moss, Guinness, oats, flaxseeds and other ingredients thought to be “good for your nature”. But overall my only association with it, was in beverages.
Experimenting with Irish moss
So all these years later when I got some in a “home sweet home” box from my mom. Instead of making just Irish moss to drink. I endeavored to see what else could be done.
The great thing about Irish moss though is its gelling qualities. Immediately I thought of an entremet. A play on “strong back” to include chocolate cake infused with “roots” (such as sarsaparilla), then the moss mousse something with peanuts, oats etc. It’s still a thought in process to be executed.
Pleased with the results of the vegan Creme Brulee; I was curious to see the result of a similar type of dessert using Irish moss. And that’s how this recipe came to be.

You’ll need a scale to measure all the ingredients. These are my two favorites (affiliate links):
The Irish moss should be prepared according to the package directions. Done correctly you should have a firm gel to use.
How to prepare the mousse
Preparing the Irish moss is the most involved part of the recipe. That is to say, this recipe is so easy you barely have to lift a finger to make it.
Blend, pour and chill and you’re finished.
I topped these with melted chocolate and crushed seafoam candy but fruit and coconut caramel sauce are a delicious alternative.

Vegan Ackee & Irish Moss Mousse
- 120 g Prepared Irish moss gel
- 200 g Almond milk*
- 200 g Parboiled Ackee
- 120 g Maple Syrup
- Splash of vanilla extract if desired, optional
Optional Garnish:
- Crushed seafoam candy, nuts or fruits
- Melted chocolate or caramel sauce
- Whipped coconut cream
- Warm up the ackee, milk and moss slightly. This will just make them easier to blend (If you have a super awesome blender, you can just blend it all together)
- Blend all the ingredients together. Distribute evenly between 4 glasses.
- Chill till set (as quick as 2 hours but overnight is best for the flavours to meld together).
- Serve garnished as desired