For this breakfast “pizza” I use one of my favourite Jamaican foods: bammy, while leaning on a bit of inspiration from smoked salmon bagels 😋

What is bammy?
Bammy is a flatbread made from cassava. The cassava is grated then squeezed of its liquid and parched set in round ring molds. They are then sold in their “dry” form and are usually rehydrated with coconut milk or water before being steamed or fried. They make a great accompaniment to a myriad of dishes including fried fish.
As a starchy carb it makes an awesome base for a flatbread. It’s naturally gluten-free, so it can be enjoyed by those with a gluten sensitivity. In fact, there are a couple restaurants in Jamaica now make gluten free pizza with bammy as the crust.
To make this one, I opted to steam my bammy. After steaming, I briefly seared it in a non stick pan so it would be sturdy enough for the toppings. Alternately you could fry them and top it but I was trying to go a little lighter on the calories since I was topping it with the ackee and salmon.
Bammies were one of the two things I asked my mom to bring with her when she visited. I’ve had them in the freezer waiting for a particularly drab winter day to pull them out and make something tasty that reminded me of home.
That day arrived and here we have it! 😆

Where to buy bammy?
You may be able to find bammies at a Caribbean grocer. Otherwise I’ve seen them for sale on Amazon, but I’m not familiar with the brand I see advertised there. Sams Caribbean Online Grocery store is a bit tricky to navigate But they do seem to have bammy available but I saw no thumbnail for the product so again wouldn’t be able to advise re the brand being sold.
You could always attempt to make your own. I plan to try just that once I become desperate 🤣🤣🤣 . At that point I’ll share my experience with you.
Final point to note, this recipe is different from most in that it’s just a guide rather than one you’d need to follow to the T. No amounts are given for the ingredients use. Feel free to mix it up and make it your own.

What would you put on your Ackee Bammy Breakfast Pizza? As always, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. If you make this or any of the recipes from this site, be sure to #amazingackee and @amazingackee so I can see your posts across social media.
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time 😊

Ackee Bammy Breakfast Pizza
- 1 Bammy soaked, steamed and seared
- Ackee sautéed with onions, garlic, kale, salt and pepper
- Smoked salmon
- Capers
- Red onions thinly sliced
- Prep ingredients as required and assemble, serve warm.