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Ackeechata (Ackee Horchata)

Though not authentic this twist on horchata is as unique as the fruit used to make it
Servings 4 servings


To soak:

  • 3/4 cup Long grain rice washed
  • 3/4 cup Almonds I used blanched & slivered
  • 3 cups Water
  • 1 Cinnamon Stick

To finish:

  • 1 cup Ackee boiled (or canned)
  • 5 tbsps Sugar or more if you would like it sweeter
  • Splash of Vanilla Extract

For serving:

  • Ice
  • Cinnamon Whiskey optional
  • Ground cinnamon optional


  • Combine rice, almonds, cinnamon stick and water in a bowl; cover with plastic and let sit overnight (or a minimum of 4 hours). If you're pressed for time, heat the water and pour it over the rice, almonds and cinnamon, cool briefly and then proceed, however, it will not have a chance to develop as nice a flavour.
  • When ready to blend, remove cinnamon stick and pour into blender. Blend till smooth then pass through a cheesecloth* lined strainer. Press gently to extract all the liquid.
  • Rinse blender and return strained liquid to jug. Add ackee, sugar and vanilla. Blend till smooth, taste and add more sugar if desired.
  • Serve chilled over ice, dust with cinnamon powder if desired. (If using the whiskey, pour a shot over the ice into the glass before pouring the Ackeechata)
  • Enjoy!


*You may have to double up the cheesecloth so the holes are fine. Alternately, you can use a nut milk bag