Yummly is a recipe site like no other. Create a profile, and yum your way through all the deliciousness you find on the web. It’s your personal recipe box!

It’s a guilty pleasure for many; with the explosion of food content on the web, many of us spend more time than we care to admit oohing and aahing over recipes on the web. Everything looks delicious and you know you want to try that recipe!

With so much to browse though sometimes you lose track of those bookmarks. Enter Yummly to save the day. It’s a sleek, easy platform. Save all the recipes that intrigue you and discover new ones.

All you can get the Yummy app for your phone and button for your desktop. On each of the posts here the Yummly button appears so you can click to “yum” a recipe and add it to your box. All of the Amazing Ackee content on Yummly (so far) can be found here.